(Information) Announcement of Acceptance ACSEAST 2016 (第十八屆台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會論文錄取通知)
Venue│CSEAS office
第十八屆台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會議論文審查結果已經揭曉,所有錄取名單請參考附件 。本次公告之審查結果依「圓桌論壇」、「主題場次」、以及「個別論文」進行分類,並依姓名筆畫順序排列。主辦單位將視會議議程情況調整場次主題與所含論文篇數。我們將於6月13日當週透過電子郵件方式逐一發送接受函與與會確認回函,並於近日公告年會正式議程,敬請參考國立政治大學東南亞研究中心網頁、臉書粉絲專頁、以及年會專屬網頁。
The organizer of ACSEAST 2016 is pleased to announce the final list of accepted abstracts, roundtables, and panel proposals. The organizer will sort the individual paper into panels by theme shortly. In order to ensure even distribution of papers and thematic coherency of panels, we reserve the right to individual paper into another panel at any time. A notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail by next week. Please visit CSEAS website, ACSEAST 2016 website, and CSEAS Facebook page, for latest updates.
(Special Event) MoU Signing between CSEAS and CAPSS (政大東南亞研究中心與金大亞太安全研究中心簽署備忘錄)
Venue│CSEAS office
It is our pleasure to welcome Prof. Roger Chifeng Liu, the Director of Center for Asia-Pacific Security Studies at O.P. Jindal Global University, India, to visit CSEAS. Upon the approval of CSEAS Executive Committee, this morning the MoU between CSEAS and CAPSS has been signed. Look forward to strengthening bilateral collaboration in the future!
(徵稿啟示) 2016年臺灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會
1. 會議主題
Date│Sep 22~23, 2016
2. 重要日程
投稿摘要截止日期: 2016年5月5日
論文通過審查日期: 2016年6月10日
論文全文繳交日期: 2016年8月20日
年度研討會舉辦日: 2016年9月22日與23日
主辦單位將提供台中以南發表人與評論人住宿與會議餐點,關於研討會相關事宜敬請來信或電洽(02-82377290)顏小姐([email protected])。摘要投稿表格 請同時寄送至: [email protected] / [email protected],歡迎惠賜鴻文大作!
(Call For Paper) ACSEAST 2016 パネル・論文募集のご案内 (Japanese)
2016 年5 月5 日応募要旨提出期限 (abstract submission format/English)
2016 年6 月1 0日審査プロセス完了・採否通知
2016 年8 月20 日原稿締め切り / 優秀論文賞応募締め切り(必着)
提出方式:[email protected] / CSEAS2016@gmail.com にて電子ファイルを投稿頂く。
(Call For Paper) ACSEAST 2016 Call for Paper/Panel (English)
1. Main Theme“The Politics of Transformation in Southeast Asia: Towards A People-Centered Agenda”2. Important Dates Abstract Submission:before May 5th, 2016 (Form Download) Announcement of Acceptance: the first week of June, 2016 Full Paper Submission: before August 20th, 2016 Conference Dates: September 22nd and 23rd, 2016 3. Contact Information The organizer will provide accommodation and meals for international paper presenters during the conference;For abstract submission, please e-mail to [email protected] & [email protected] further information, please contact Ms. Yen through [email protected]. |
(Policy Seminar) Taiwan-SEA Relations Revisited: S&C (I) (邀請制,不對外公開)
Venue│CSEAS office
CSEAS will host special Policy Seminar series on Taiwan-SEA Relations with specific focus on political/security, social/cultural, economic/investment, and functional issues since March 2016. The outcomes of the Policy Seminar series will be released later this year. The seminars are "BY INVITATION ONLY." For further information, please contact [email protected].tw
(Lecture) The Conflict in Myanmar and the Contradiction between China and Myanmar
Venue│Room 270307, 3F, North Wing, General Building of Colleges, NCCU (政大綜合院館270307教室)
主持人:孫采薇 教授(政治大學東亞所助理教授)
Speaker: Dr.. Chung Chi, Chao (Assistant Professor, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University, TAIWAN)
Topic: The Conflict in Myanmar and the Contradiction between China and Myanmar
Date: Mar. 4th, 2016 (Fri.)
Time: 12:30 – 14:30
Location: Room 270307, 3F, North Wing, General Building of Colleges, NCCU
The workshop is part of the NCCU Top University Program events and is hosted by the Institute of International Relations, NCCU, and Center of Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). Please register through the Online Registration System before 10 a.m., Mar. 4th, 2016. Thank you. If there is any question, please direct it to [email protected].
(Policy Seminar) Taiwan-SEA Relations Revisited: P&S (I) (邀請制,不對外公開)
CSEAS will host special Policy Seminar series on Taiwan-SEA Relations with specific focus on political/security, social/cultural, economic/investment, and functional issues since March 2016. The outcomes of the Policy Seminar series will be released later this year. The seminars are "BY INVITATION ONLY." For further information, please contact [email protected]
Opening Ceremony of CSEAS at NCCU
標題 | 作者 | 點閱數 | 發表時間 | |||
(Information) Announcement of Acceptance ACSEAST 2016 (第十八屆台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會論文錄取通知) | Alan Hao Yang | 2556 | 06/10/2016 05:32PM | |||
(Special Event) MoU Signing between CSEAS and CAPSS (政大東南亞研究中心與金大亞太安全研究中心簽署備忘錄) | Alan Hao Yang | 1651 | 05/06/2016 11:59AM | |||
ACSEAST 2016 パネル・論文募集のご案内 (Japanese) | Alan Hao Yang | 2750 | 03/16/2016 10:13AM | |||
ACSEAST 2016 Call for Paper/Panel (English) | Alan Hao Yang | 3730 | 03/16/2016 10:11AM | |||
2016年臺灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會 | Alan Hao Yang | 4576 | 03/16/2016 10:03AM | |||
(Policy Seminar) Taiwan-SEA Relations Revisited: S&C (I) (邀請制,不對外公開) | Alan Hao Yang | 1471 | 03/10/2016 01:00AM | |||
(Lecture) The Conflict in Myanmar and the Contradiction between China and Myanmar | Alan Hao Yang | 1390 | 03/02/2016 05:46PM | |||
(Policy Seminar) Taiwan-SEA Relations Revisited: P&S (I) (邀請制,不對外公開) | Alan Hao Yang | 1265 | 02/28/2016 01:28AM | |||
(Special Event) Opening Ceremony of CSEAS at NCCU (政大東南亞研究中心正式成立) | Alan Hao Yang | 1423 | 02/27/2016 01:54AM | |||