Event 2012




講者:龔雋 教授(廣州中山大學哲學系)

時間:2012年 11月 01日(四)10:30-12:00 AM
地點:政治大學山上校區百年樓 哲學系330227室

Related material:

聯絡人:胡志強 [email protected]


Development of Rhetorical Devices in the Sarvāstivāda Ṣaṭpādābhidharma Texts

Prof. Bart Dessein
Department of Languages and Cultures of South and East-Asia, Ghent University

時間:2012年 10月 25日(四)上午10 - 12 時
地點:政治大學山上校區百年樓 哲學系330227室

Related material:
B. Dessein (2012). "'Thus Have I Heard' and other claims to authenticity: Development of Rhetorical Devices in the Sarvāstivāda Ṣaṭpādābhidharma Texts", in Ch. Anderl (ed.), Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan. Leiden: E.J. Brill, pp. 121-162.

Workshop on “Buddhist Logic and Epistemology in Chinese Sources”

Date: 2012/10/12-13
Venue: National Chengchi University, Taipei
Chen-kuo Lin 林鎮國 (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

Comparing the attention to the Sanskrit and the Tibetan sources, the Chinese texts and commentaries in the studies of Buddhist logic and epistemology have been largely neglected. Such negligence prevents us having a fair picture of the development of Buddhist logic and epistemology as a whole. In order to fill the gap of our knowledge in this regard, it is the aim of this workshop to lay down a preliminary ground for the study of Buddhist logic and epistemology in the Chinese sources. In this workshop, we will focus on some of the texts which are most essential in this field, while the main philosophical issues are also on the agenda of exploration. This workshop is publication-oriented.

9: 30-11: 30
Shoryu Katsura: Upāyahṛdaya(/Prayogasāra) Seen from the Eyes of Carakasaṃhitā and Nyāyasūtra
Zhihua Yao: Non-activity (nirvyāpāra) in Pre-Dignāga Sources

13: 30-17: 00
Toru Funayama: Yijing's translation of Dignāga's Sāmānyaparīkṣā (Examination of the Universal), with special reference to stylistic problems
Shinya Moriyama: A comparison between the Indian and Chinese interpretations of the antinomic reason (viruddhāvyabhicārin)
Ching Keng: The Theory of Atom (Paramāṇu) in Dharmapāla’s Guang bai lun shi lun (A Commentary on the Catuḥśataka)

9: 30-11: 30
Jeson Woo: How to Attain Enlightenment: Dharmakīrti and Hui-neng on the Practice of Meditation
Chen-kuo Lin: How to meditate with the knowledge of particulars and universals for attaining the enlightenment? -- Huizhao on svalakṣaṇa and sāmānyalakṣaṇa

13: 30-17: 00
Chien-hsing Ho: The Notion of Apoha in Chinese Buddhism
Jakub Zamorski: On the understanding of negation in Chinese Buddhist logic
Ernest Brewster: The Zen of Logic – the Argument for “Mind-Only” in Yongming Yanshou’s Cittamātra System


Perspectives on the Issue of Time in Chinese Buddhism

Prof. Hans-Rudolf Kantor 康特教授

時間:2012年 10月 18日(四)上午9 - 12 時
地點:政治大學山上校區百年樓 哲學系330227室

Related materials:
2008 〈虛假當念之時間構造-以天臺宗及華嚴宗為主〉,《台大佛學研究學報》, 16: 171-228.
2008 〈中觀學的時間觀〉,《正觀》, 46: 39-79.
2011 "The Ambivalence of Illusion – A Chinese Buddhist Perspective", Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 38,2: 274-293.

聯絡人:胡志強 [email protected]


Prof. Dan Arnold's Lecture Series 2013
講座系列 2013

PrePanels 導讀座談

2012/9/13起 每週四 14:00 PM
政治大學山上校區百年樓 哲學系東方哲學研究室(330228)
研讀文獻:Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind

Dan Arnold is associate professor of philosophy of religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, where he also received his Ph.D. His first book, Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion, won an American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion.


Colloquium of Buddhist Studies
時間:週四 9:00 AM
地點:政治大學山上校區百年樓 哲學系330227室

日期 報告人 主題
9/20 莊朋:空與解脫 - 印順中觀思想研究
9/27 釋法弘: 天台化法四教論佛教諸宗之時間觀
10/4 康特教授:中國大乘佛學經典中之相續性與時間性的思想
10/11 汪純瑩:先驗邏輯與精神發展 -- 從陳那與康德的批判知識論談起
10/12-13 Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Logic and Epistemology (TBA)
10/25 林恕安:清辨對於溝通二諦的看法
11/1 孫亞柏:Pure Land practice and Consciousness-Only doctrines in Republican China - the case of Tang Dayuan 唐大圓 (1890(?)-1914)
11/29 劉興松:《楞嚴》「六用不行」和六根「解脫」
12/6 陳劍鍠教授
12/13 胡志強:護法與清辨之辯?護法《大乘廣百論釋論‧教誡弟子品》之研究
12/20 Stephen Teiser教授 講座系列 (TBA)
12/27 釋行願:中越禪學思想研究-六祖惠能與竹林禪派初祖陳仁宗之比較
1/3 禪宗史教授 (TBD)
1/10 結論


Stairway to Nirvāṇa: A Structural Analysis of the Twenty Saṃghas

Prof. James B. Apple
Department of Religious Studies, University of Calgary

時間:2012年 5月 28日(一)下午3 - 5 時
地點:政治大學山上校區 百年樓二樓 宗教所會議室(330211)

Abstract 演講摘要:


The Twenty Varieties of the Saṃgha (Tib. dge ’dun nyi shu) is one of the most formative subjects in traditional Tibetan Buddhist studies. The Saṃgha is one of the Three Jewels (‘Buddha, Dharma, Saṃgha’) universally revered by all Buddhists and is comprised of the ideal community of Noble Persons who embody the Buddha’s teachings. The Twenty Saṃghas enumerates all the possible stages through which any given individual might pass, depending upon factors such as that individual’s cosmological circumstances, the acuity of his or her faculties, and the individual’s degree of meditative cultivation and cognitive insight. This presentation centers on the interpretation of the Saṃgha given by the 14th century Tibetan scholar Tsong-kha-pa blo-bzang grags-pa. The presentation provides an overview of the importance of the Twenty Saṃghas in Tibetan Buddhist culture and a structural analysis of the topic’s overall content.

Related materials:
Apple, James. Stairway to Nirvāṇa: A Study of the Twenty Saṃghas based on the works of Tsong-kha-pa, New York: State University of New York Press (2008).
Apple, James. "An Assembly of Irreversible Bodhisattvas. Twenty Varieties of the Saṃgha: A Typology of Noble Beings (Ārya) in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism (Part 2)", Journal of Indian Philosophy (2004) 32: 211-279.
Apple, James. "The Mahāyāna Path of the Bodhisattva in the Ornament of Clear Realization", Religion Compass (2011) 5/5: 166-179.

Event 2012的論壇文章
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「通往涅槃的階梯:二十僧的結構分析」專題演講|2012/5/28 15:00 - 17:00 政治大學哲學基礎研究室 gustav2012/05/13
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